
Who’s the Boss?

You or your mind and the thoughts, the mind chatter? Have you ever noticed yourself waking up in a mood and bothered?

“Most people don’t realize that the mind constantly chatters. And yet, that chatter winds up being the force that drives us much of the day in terms of what we do, what we react to, and how we feel.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

However, the good thing about the chattering mind, is that we can learn to become aware of it’s operating system, all the ways it tries to run the show, like in traffic. “The idiot who cut you off, of all the lights are red and I am going to be late.” Once we have the awareness of system, you can start to observe it and then change how you respond to the situation.

Actually, I had a similar situation the other day, we were driving to a meeting and had unexpected road construction. I could have blamed, let my mind run a muck, recognizing I don’t like that feeling or being around others like that, I choose get present, evaluate my options, made a call and let them know, and it all worked out great and barely late.

Taking charge of our mind starts with awareness, and having tools to support us in making positive impacting choices. The next step is being on the look-out for other areas the pesky mind chatters in ways that are preventing you from achieving what is most important for you. Consider like building new muscles.

When it comes to mind chatter, who’s going to be the Boss?