
Who is Listening?

Who is Listening to YOU?

Who is listening? Does it really matter….

Firstly, there are that voices in your head, one that supports your greatness, it is kind, positive and caring, often gentle. Then there is other voice, it is not so kind, it might say mean words, or use a tone of you’re an idiot or stupid or they are stupid and I am right! It could also be a voice that is so quiet you may not hear it, yet it triggers an emotion inside of you, guilt, shame, love, joy, laughter.

Newsflash, we all the supportive encouraging voice and the not supportive voice.

What if you became more aware of these different aspects of those voices, whether it be with yourself, with others circumstances or events.

The unkind voice most often limits us and prevents us from really experiencing that inner sense of fulfillment, long lasting happiness and heartfelt love for ourselves or those around us. What might be the cost of having that unkind voice?

As you shine the microscope and become more aware of the negative limiting voice, it is possible to tame the voice down and shift it to a kind, curious and compassionate voice, bringing greater empathy to yourself?

Taming your voice on judgement of others and then how you communicate can be huge.  I have seen how it can change teams and families to much more harmonious outcomes for all.

Have you ever noticed when speaking to another person and there is a different feeling, it feels like they just get you! What’s that like compared to other conversations?

It is a different type of listening than the listening most often used. The filter of judging, comparing, waiting to talk, or I’m bored, I’ve heard this already etc. is not being used. Rather, it is a listening of curiosity, what are they really saying, what might be even deeper? With this listening you are being brought into their world. Where you can really sense what life looks like through their eyes. You also get a sense of what really matters to them.

Curiosity listening is using the heart verses the head. It is also important when building deeper connections. Both parties will get a sense of a deep caring, that is authentic and real. 

Each person gets a sense that each person has the other’s back. When challenges come up because they will.  Life is not stagnant, there is always change. This foundation will support communication and the success of a project, happiness in a relationship.

When this happens it is key to acknowledge the growth and celebration of the project and just as importantly each other and the relationship. This is allowing everyone to feel appreciated and valued.

Some might say, “why is this important in business?” Why not? This is part of what builds loyalty, moral, because people get a sense they matter, they are being heard and it forms part of the overall corporate culture, improving productivity, and thereby reducing turnover.

I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this idea and how improving your listening improves your life.



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