Merry christmas and happy new year theme design

What is Your Word or Theme for the year?

I am so grateful to have you in my community, it  feels like it is going to a wild year, certainty or uncertainty. We can only control what we can control. I believe we need to learn dance with uncertainty. There are many ways we can do that, which I will be sharing more over the coming blogs.

Welcome to the New Year! A time of new beginnings, a fresh start. What are you desiring for this upcoming year

Create is a word or theme for the year.

Then at the end of the year I reflect on it as I do my year end review. I find if very empowering and supportive.

Ways to Find Your Word or Theme:

Ponder your desires – what would you like to achieve over the coming  year? How would you like to feel and what would you like to experience during the year? What are you hoping will happen? What dreams do you want to nurture? What qualities do you desire?

As you visit these questions you will notice a word or a theme emerging. You may notice a couple of words surfacing. Sometimes they might come when you least expect them, like in the shower or driving. Sit and be with them and notice how you feel with the word. You want something that resonates deep within you.

How does the word or theme connect with your goals? Do you set goals? What about setting intentions? Intentions generally connect with our way of being or a feeling while goals are often more external and concrete.

As you take a moment and transport yourself to the end of the upcoming year, what do you become aware of? What has changed for you? Given our recent past experience with Covid, you may want to take that into consideration, if to improves then what, if it were to get worse then what? This allows for flexibility and helps to avoid dissappoinments, rather it can prove alternatives.

What things do you want to put into place to support you in achieving things, so you don’t get to the end and can’t remember?  This also

supports having that sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. Might you want to put something into place to celebrate?

What will you do to make it an amazing year?