
Trade in Your Busy Mind for Calm & Bliss

Trade in Your Busy Mind for Calm & Bliss


I often hear people say “I can’t relax and turn off my brain. It’s hard for me to sit, I need to be on the go all the time.”  For many that was how they were trained.  However, seldom have they looked at the cost of the behavior until it is too late, like health challenges, burn-out, divorce, accident or getting to the end of their life unhappy, lonely and unfilled.


When was the last time you stopped, took a pause and listened to those voices in your head?


What were those voice saying? Was it in a kind supportive tone or berating, negative or fearful tone?


How might those voices behave differently at different times?  


Like with that staff member who is always so negative, just seems to always go against the grain so you avoid having conversations with them. 


What about that project that is a fun challenge to you and look forward to the accomplishment?  


Notice the difference between the two. 


1.  Rather than judging and making up a story with assumptions which is so easy to do. Take a pause, breath, allow your mind to expand with curiosity.


2.  Ask, “what could be a positive intention with the situation or person”?


3. What could be another point of view?


4. How might I be contributing to the difficult situation and how might I turn it around?


This is all a part of taking that pause.  Acknowledging your perceptions and expanding your awareness.  


Pausing regularly is a part of building new neuropathways, supporting a wider view of the whole, while allowing for greater intuition, calm, bliss that can continue to grow and expand.   Which in turn supports you in making better decisions and having a happier and more fulfilling  life.