Positive Intelligence
Designed like a mental fitness boot-camp, the PQ Program gives you insights, motivation, and structure to noticeable improve your mental fitness within 6 weeks.
Breakthroughs neuroscience with technology have shown how you can dramatically improve performance and productivity with a calm, clear and happier mind with 15 minutes a day of practice.
Boost Self-Command Muscle putting you in command rather the being run by your Saboteur-hijacked brain.
Intercept your Saboteur Muscle and shift to Self-Command
Strengthen your Sage Muscle and take clear-headed laser-focused action.
Daily Practice
Only 15 minutes each day with an app-guided practice to build a solid foundation of core mental muscles(neural pathways) that are strengthened and bring a noticeable shift in how you experience and handle life’s challenges. These bit-size exercises easily fit into your busy schedule. You will be able to track your daily progress and receive daily coaching tips that challenge you to keep going.

Weekly Focus
Weekly hour-long video delivers a deep experiential exploration of the week’s focus. You’ll feel inspired and energized to practice during the week in order to sustain the benefits experienced during the video sessions.
Mental Fitness for Business

Coaching - Positive Intelligence for Business
Why do on average only 20% of teams achieve 80% of their potential?
It is not a lack of skill, training or desire. It is a lack of mental fitness!
You CAN create a team culture with:
- Greater fulfillment and reduced stress
- Higher retention rate
- Laser-like focus on the most important projects
- Increased satisfaction with team, and clients
- Improved employee engagement
- Effective communication
- Higher levels of trust and collaboration with overall improved relationships
A team is only as strong as it’s people. A healthy foundation is required to have a strong powerful successful team. Otherwise it will continue to get the same results.
Focusing only 2% of your time each week you can build the Mental Fitness of your team. Achieve the results of a high performing team culture with rich fulfilment and creating a legacy you desire.
Ready to discover more about growing your culture?